BGH IIP enables market participants to disclose inside information in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 (REMIT) and ACER Guidance for REMIT Implementation. The access to the published information is free of charge.
The publication services are available to all interested market participants – both BGH members and non-members. BGH members can publish inside information on BGH IIP at no extra charge. More details on BGH IIP services are available in Documents and terms page.
Message ID | Publication Date (UTC) |
Participant Name Participant Code |
Event Status | Event Start (UTC) |
Event Stop (UTC) |
Remarks | Actions | Message ID | Publication Date | Participant Name / code | Event Status | Event Start | Event Stop | Remarks |
The sole responsibility for the content of Urgent Market Messages shall rest with the Market Participant. Market Participants who published their UMMs on hold responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies that may occur in their REMIT messages.