Balkan Gas Hub introduces a new trading point – IGB Locational

Dear partners,

We are pleased to announce that Balkan Gas Hub EAD adds a new trading point to its product portfolio – IGB Locational as of 6th June 2022.

The new trading point provides the opportunity for transactions at the physical interconnection point between the gas transmission system of Bulgartransgaz EAD and the Interconnection Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) – IP Stara Zagora.

The trading point will enable ICGB AD, the company that operates IGB, to buy gas for technological needs. Both standard, and non-standard products determined by the IGB operator shall be offered at the point in accordance with the Bulgarian and European legislation.

In case you have questions or wish to make suggestions regarding this or another product on the BGH market, please submit your feedback at

We are also pleased to inform you that on 6th June 2022 an auction for the purchase of natural gas by "ICGB" AD will be held at the "Balkan Gas Hub" EAD trading platform with regards to the initial filling of the pipeline.

The terms of the auction, determined by ICGB AD, can be found at the following link:

Balkan Gas Hub EAD Team